What is Coercive Control?
What is coercive control? “Coercive control often can’t be pinned down to one event in a relationship, but is the accumulation of words, behaviours and threats that humiliate, isolate and control the victim – leaving them without freedom and very little of ‘themselves’ left.” (BBC)
For more information on what coercive control can look and sound like, here are some articles:
BBC – Coercive control: ‘I was 16 and thought it was normal’ https://bbc.in/3tz5gwt
How to Recognize Coercive Control: https://bit.ly/3tNawwF
If you are in immediate danger, call 911. If you/someone you know is feeling unsafe, call the 24/7 Domestic Violence Crisis and Support Helpline at 1-877-977-0007