Family Violence Shelters and Agencies are open for Business
I have to admit the last six months have been busy and stressful for most people working in this field. When dealing with something that even the professionals are unsure about, it leaves everyone feeling vulnerable. But I’m happy to say that the family violence shelters and agencies have worked very hard to implement safe protocols to keep clients and staff safe and healthy.
Yes it’s different, yes clients may be asked to use a mask and wash their hands or when in shelter they may be asked to also restrict their outings and contact with people but the extra time spent in the shelter offers the opportunity to spend more time working on healing. The safe location is only a small part of shelter life. The programming available such as counselling and groups are what helps to make the changes needed to facilitate the move of someone who is being abused to a place of confidence with clear goals to change their lives.
Think about it, acquiring a new place to live doesn’t change old habits, somehow people suffering abuse have to make changes and with the direction and support of family violence counsellors they can do that safely.
If someone you know is suffering abuse, encourage them to call the 24/7 crisis line 1-877-977-0007 to get information and support on what their next steps could be.
They may not need safe shelter but perhaps need counselling to help break through old barriers. Again by calling the crisis line they will be referred to the family violence agency that can provide support and counselling that is needed most by the caller. Referrals can be made to any of the family violence agencies such as the Women’s Resource Centres that are available all over the province and these offices have the staff to help in many ways.
We tend to hesitate to get involved but by encouraging someone to make the call it may save their life or the lives of their children.