24/7 provincial toll-free crisis line 18779770007

  • Manitoba Association of Women's Shelters

MAWS provides information only. If you are in danger call 911. If you or someone you know is being abused, call the confidential 24/7 provincial toll-free crisis & support line at: 1-877-977-0007


CENTERING THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN FROM THE MARGINS: delivering low barrier and non-discriminatory GBV services     On December 10, 2021 – Human Rights Day – the Manitoba Association of Women’s Shelters (MAWS) is hosting a virtual event to launch our project “Centering the rights of women from the margins.” The project will focus on delivering culturally respectful, equitable, low-barrier and non-discriminatory gender-based violence (GBV) services to survivors who all have a right to safety.

TRANSFORMING TOGETHER – A Project to Re-envision Family Violence Services in Manitoba      Key to advancing equality between women and men in the economic, social and democratic life of Canada is challenging and changing the trajectory of violence against women.  the policies, programs and services related to domestic violence prevention and intervention are poised for an important and necessary paradigm shift that re-thinks and re-aligns what services are necessary, how and where they are delivered and who delivers them.

The overarching goal of this project is to build the capacity of the Domestic Violence shelter system in Manitoba to deliver effective intervention and prevention programs that support healing, safety and an end to violence.

MAWS is the holder of a CAPC (Community Action Program for Children) grant provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) that helps to fund the children’s programs in the provincial shelters. This funding contributes to a children’s worker salary, as well as a small amount is provided for training and materials. Children’s programs in shelters are critically underfunded. Teaching and modeling positive behaviour in children at the very earliest stages of growth can influence their choice to be violence free as they mature, this is a crucial pathway to reducing interpersonal and family violence in future generations.

In Manitoba the provincially funded emergency interpersonal and family violence shelters are funded by the Manitoba government – Family Violence Prevention program.

Data from this summary came from the following shelters: Agape House – Steinbach, Aurora House – The Pas, Genesis House – Winkler, Ikwe-Widdjiitiwin – Winnipeg, Nova House – Selkirk, Parkland Crisis Centre –Dauphin, Portage Family Abuse Prevention Centre – Portage la Prairie, Thompson Crisis Centre – Thompson, Willow Place – Winnipeg and YWCA Westman Women’s Shelter – Brandon.

In the 2022-2023 fiscal year shelters provided 52,632 bednights plus another 11,135 bednights in interim housing (total 63,767), compared to 2021-2022 fiscal year where shelters provided 29,684 bednights plus another 10,799 bednights in interim housing (total 40,483)—a 57% increase over last fiscal year. The term bednights refers to each night that a bed is occupied in shelter e.g.: Mom with two children = 3 bednights.

Shelters provided service to 2,965 individuals: 1,431 residential women and men 1,098 residential children, 388 non-residential women and men, 48 non-residential children, 308 follow up women and men and 18 follow up children compared to last year of 2,332 individuals: 1,418 residential women and men, 891 residential children, 304 non-residential women and men, 23 non-residential children, 221 follow up women and 59 follow up children. This represents an increase of 27% over last fiscal year.

Of the residential and interim housing clients, the average stay was 13 nights and each client participated in an average of 13 counselling sessions.

Of the interim residential clients 34 adults and 64 children resided after leaving emergency shelter in interim housing units for 11,135 bednights last year.

Shelters answered 18,774 crisis line calls compared to last year of 16,157 calls—a 16% increase over last fiscal year.

Data provided by FVPP (Family Violence Prevention Program, Manitoba Government)
– 6 shelters provide Interim Housing, this is temporary housing arranged through the shelter to help clients who are unable to find housing.
– Interim Housing is not a funded program by the Manitoba Government.
– “Residential” means clients stayed in either the shelter or a hotel room (based on safety and space available)
– “Non-residential” means a client access services from a shelter but did not live in shelter or at a hotel
– “Follow up” means a client previously stayed at a shelter/hotel and has chosen to continue to receive service from the shelter but is either living on their own or may be staying temporarily in Interim Housing.

Created for shelter workers to provide a general guideline with basic information about working in an interpersonal and family violence shelter in Manitoba.


MAWS is a founding and continuing member of WSC formerly called Canadian Network of Women’s Shelters and Transition Houses (CNWSTH).  WSC  is a national organization created to fill a lack of service at the national level.

“Several years ago, the provincial and territorial, organizations representing women’s shelters and transition houses recognized that though each served and supported the shelters and transition houses in their respective regions, no organization existed to do the same at a national level.”

“There simply was no national forum in which shelters could share ideas and resources. There was no space for them to learn together and innovate together so as to advance high quality services they offer. There was no unified voice for women’s shelters and transition houses on the national stage to help generate systemic change.
In 2009, drawn together by a shared vision to end violence against women, these associations began giving shape to Women’s Shelters Canada (formerly the Canadian Network of Women’s Shelters & Transition Houses). Together, we have become a national, collaborative voice for change. The Network was incorporated and became a charitable organization in November 2012.” – WSC website.